William Tumai

Barrister & Solicitor
+64 20 41549484
[email protected]
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Areas of Practice
Criminal Law, Family Law, Employment, Human Rights, Tenancy, Maori Land, Tax Law

Ko Taupiri me Patangata ooku Maunga. Ko Waikato me Wharekahika ooku Awa. Ko Tainui me Horouta ooku Waka. Ko Waikato me Ngati Porou ooku Iwi. Ko Ngati Naho raua ko Te Whanau a Tuwhakairiora ooku Hapu. Ko Maurea me Hinemaurea ooku Marae. Ko William Tumai taku ingoa. Teenei e mihi atu ana ki a koutou katoa.

Kia ora. My name is William Tumai. I am of Waikato/Ngati Porou descent. I was born in Putaruru and raised in Wharehahika on the East Cape New Zealand. I am described as a self professed straight shooter, unattached with no vices and approachable for legal advice and representation. I discourage giving advice through social media and phone calls and emails are returned. I accept both direct and Solicitor instructions to advise and represent and adopt a pro-active approach towards legal advice and representation in key legal areas.

The Practice was founded in January 2010. To this day I meet with most clients face-to-face and always prioritise a professional touch towards client matters. Ma te Atua tatou e tiaki e manaaki, i nga wa katoa. May god protect and bless us always.

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