Ka mihi atu ki too taatou Matua i te rangi. Ko ia teera e kore e kitea, e mahi nei oona mahi, oona merikara me toona tiaki pai i a taatou katoa. Ka haere ngaa mihi kia raatou ko ngaro atu i te tirohanga kanohi, moe mai whakangaro atu koutou. E mihi atu ana ki te Kiingi a Tuheitia, toona hoa rangatira, oo raua tamariki mokopuna tae noa atu ki te whare ariki nui toonu, ae. Naumai, pikimai haeremai ki te whaarangi ipurangi oo William Tumai Legal WTL. Kia pai too hikoi panuitanga me oo koutou rangi. Paimarire.
Kia ora and welcome to the website of William Tumai Legal, a Generalist Lawyer Practice Practicing in Auckland/Manukau and the wider region, with clients around New Zealand providing legal advice and representation. Specialist areas: Criminal law, Family, Employment, Tenancy, Tax, Maori Land, Human Rights.
William Tumai
LL.M LL.B M.Soc.Sci(Hons)Political Science B.Soc.Sci(Hons)Public Policy DipNZLS